Ansible boilerplate for webapps with Docker, Traefik and Let's Encrypt
I created an Ansible boilerplate for setting up a webserver that can run any webapp that runs in a Docker container. You can use this boilerplate to setup a secure webserver on a freshly installed Debian based linux server (something like an Amazon EC2 instance or VPS). This boilerplate uses Traefik, Let's Encrypt and Docker Compose.
The code is available at:
How to use it?You have to set your own host in the hosts file. After that you can run the playbook.
The playbook will install Docker and the other requisites on the machine.
How to deploy an appThe boilerplate contains an example app (roles/example-app). You can rename or copy it as a starting point, make sure you replace all "example-app" occurences in the folder with your new chosen name. After that you can edit the docker-compose.yml file in the templates directory and add your own services.
Replace the domain in the following line "traefik.http.routers.example-app.rule=Host(``)"
with the domain that is pointed to your webserver to make sure a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate is requested.
After you added the new role in site.yml, you can run the playbook again and the new app should be deployed.